
Python FFT homogenization routine for linear viscoelasticity

This is the python routine I used to calculate the linear viscoelasticity (storage and loss shear moduli) of worm-like microstructures define in the paper on linear viscoelasticity of IPNs. This routine may be used for any two-phase materials with the microstructure of your choice.You need two input.txt (phase1.txt and phase2.txt) files for the behavior constitutive...

Linear viscoelasticity of IPN – FFT analysis

The objective of the study was to characterize and model the linear viscoelasticity of interpenetrated polymer networks showing two clear distinct phase transitions. For this purpose we made in lab some acrylate IPNs by UV curing. In order to avoid fracture of the sample during the making process, the first single network is a lightly...

On necessary precautions when measuring solid polymer linear viscoelasticity with torsion rheometers

The linear viscoelasticity and time-temperature superposition of solid polymers are often characterized using a torsion rheometer since it is a common equipment in polymer labs. Specimen are submitted to a dynamic torsion angle while the resulting torque is recorded. The torsion test gives access to the storage and loss shear moduli. When rectangular slender specimen...

Fracture of carbon-black filled elastomers submitted to monotonous loadings

We are currently interested in the catastrophic failure of carbon-black filled and unfilled elastomers submitted to monotonous loadings (not fatigue). First part of this work is to establish a clear criterion for mode I catastrophic fracture when it happens. For this purpose, single edge notch tension tests were run on three different materials, an unfilled styrene...

Shape memory property of amorphous polymer networks. Experimental characterization (2)

In a previous post, I have presented some of our results obtained during stress-free shape memory recovery of amorphous polymer networks submitted to large deformation torsion tests. These tests introduce large deformation but moderate strain. In order to provide a rather complete set of data on the strain recovery and `stress recovery' for amorphous polymers, including large strain, uniaxial...

Shape memory property of amorphous polymer networks. Mechanical model

  The shape memory property of amorphous polymer networks is the result of two intrinsic properties of these materials: 1) The viscoelasticity and 2) the time-temperature superposition property. This can be proven by characterizing the material linear viscoelasticity and time-temperature superposition with DMA (dynamic mechanical analysis) tests and by introducing these properties in a TRS (thermo-theologically...

Linear viscoelasticity of several carbon-black SBRs

The linear viscoelasticity of several carbon-black filled SBRs were characterized by DMA tests on a DMAQ800 dynamic uniaxial tension machine from TA. Figure 1. Storage modulus and damping factor of several carbon-black filled SBRs measured by uniaxial tension DMA tests. Materials are made of the same gum and filled with 0, 5, 30, 40, 50...