ACS Rubber division Sparks Thomas Award 2015

ACS Rubber division Sparks Thomas Award 2015


I was awarded by the Rubber division of the American Chemistry Society of the Sparks-Thomas award. Got it just it time before it was too late since I graduated from high school in 1990 and the award demand that the researcher passed its baccalaureate less than 25 years ago.
The work I accomplished in rubbers is the fruit of great collaborations with Mathias Brieu who is professor in Ecole Centrale de Lille and Pierre Gilormini, who is senior CNRS researcher, and several collaborations with Michelin. I am in debt to all my co-authors.
The conference took place in Greenville, SC. I liked the place, nice downtown and a path to run or bike along a creek. Another chance to visit more of the US.


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